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May 4 Art Walk and Janu Gem Sale May 4-6
May 02, 2018

Art Walk Friday May 4 Plus Janu Gem Sale May 4-6 10 AM- 4:30 PM

The most exquisite examples of Nature's Art:
Unique gemstone specimens, Faceted gems, and Finest gemstone beads
from Janu Gems wholesale, here for 3 days starting May 4.


Our Fairfield Original Art:

(Artists will be present at Friday's event from 7-9 PM)

Terrence Kennedy’s New Photo Paintings

David Kupferman’s New Acrylic Paintings

Wendog’s New One of a kind yoga pants and vests

Metalsmith, Margaret Zacny of Zax Jewelry will be displaying
her beautiful custom-design engagement rings and fine hand crafted jewelry.
Margaret is a Fairfield based metalsmith and has created custom designs for clients all over the US.

Special Pigment Prints and cards will be available from many of our artists including:
John Lakrofka
Miriam Kasin
Jane du Brin
David Orme-Johnson

Hours Tues-Sat 1-4 PM
and Other times by Appt.
Also look for our sign on the sidewalk.
It means we're open then too!

Crest Jewel
48 North Main Street (On the Square)
Fairfield, IA 52556

(641) 472-8205

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