Our Gem Show Begins Today!

Hours are:
Today, Friday, July 30th - Sunday August 1st from 10- 4:30 PM
also Next Friday,
August 6th from 10-4:30 and for ArtWalk from 7 PM to 10 PM.
A final showing will take place on Saturday, August 7th from 10-4:30.
We understand that some may need to come in at other times so please call us at 472-8205 to make an appointment. Or stop by. We will often be open evenings by request.
This Summer, for this special sale, in addition to Jyotish quality gems and beads, we have many unusual stones in a rainbow of colors in various sizes and unusual shapes - a field of unlimited possibilities for your creative design ideas - fine emerald, ruby, sapphire, tourmaline, quartz beads plus pearls and a huge selection of perfect and beautiful coral in multiple sizes and shapes.
Gemstone beads, all at wholesale prices begin at just a few dollars.
Crest Jewel is located at:
48 North Main Street, Fairfield,
in the center of the block opposite the gazebo.
Tell your friends!