Janu Gems and Theodore Pizanis join us today, January 15th and tomorrow January 16th at Crest Jewel for a special wholesale event featuring a wide range of natural precious and semi-precious gemstones and beads, also fresh water pearls.

Hours are today, Friday, January 15th from 10 AM - 4:30 PM and again from 7 PM to 10PM. Tomorrow, Saturday, January 16th we open for the show again at 10 AM and close around 2 PM.
Crest Jewel is located at:
48 North Main Street
in the center of the block opposite the gazebo.
We will also begin scheduling classes to learn to transform raw materials into your own designs to fit your budget, taste and possibly Maharishi Jyotish recommendations. Theodore is a trained Maharishi Jyotish teacher. Please call 472-8205 for questions.
Remember Valentines Day this year. We have Gems and Pearls for under $10!!!